Ransomware infections are a very real and very serious problem that general computer users, and businesses alike, should be prepared for!
- First off, the best prevention to start with is to have good security software installed that can protect you from Ransomware infections (such as Malwarebytes Anti-malware, Kaspersky Antivirus, etc).
- Secondly, have a good data backup system in place that follows the 3-2-1 backup rule to keep your data safe!
- The 3-2-1 backup rule simply states that you should have:
- 3 copies of your data (your main data and 2 backup copies)
- On two different media types (NAS drive and a thumb drive)
- With one copy off-site for disaster recovery (cloud backup, etc).
If you do get hit with a ransomware infection, the website below can help you identify which ransomware you were infected with and if there is a de-encryption tool available to help get your data/files back: https://id-ransomware.malwarehunterteam.com/
Pacific NW Computers