Thursday, June 8, 2023

Gigabyte Motherboard BIOS Restore/Repair

Gigabyte Motherboard BIOS Restore/Repair

If your Gigabyte Motherboard BIOS becomes corrupt or damaged, and the board has a "Dual BIOS", you can use one of the methods below to restore/switch from your damaged/corrupted BIOS over to the other/working BIOS.

Method 1:

  1. Shut off your computer
  2. Hold the power button until your computer starts and shuts down again
  3. Press the power button again, your backup BIOS might now be loaded and the system may POST.

Method 2:

  1. Shut off your computer
  2. Hold power AND the reset button for about 10 sec, then release.
  3. If this method works, your system will now boot into the backup BIOS now.

Method 3:

Only use this method if nothing else has worked!!! You could potentially permanently damage your motherboard when attempting this last method!
  1. Make sure you have a speaker built into your motherboard, or you have one attached to your motherboard's front panel connection header.
  2. You can short out pins 1 and 6 on the main BIOS chip by attaching a jumper to both pins (Pin #1 of the chip should be marked with a dot).
  3. As you short the pins, press the power button while you are still holding the jumper on the pins. You might want to have a friend help with this process so you don't accidentally short any other pins on the BIOS chip.
  4. Remove the jumper you're holding between pins 1 and 6 when you hear the POST beep.
  5. The backup BIOS should now be loaded and the system should POST.

Once you get the system up and running again, re-flash the other BIOS so you have yet another, alternative working BIOS.

Jon Pienkowski
Pacific NW Computers