Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Rogue Security Program Infections; At a Glance!

More and more everyday I am see and hear about people becoming infected with Rogue security Software virus. 
Rogue security software is a form of computer malware that deceives or misleads users into paying for the fake or simulated removal of malware. Rogue security software, in recent years, has become a growing and serious security threat in desktop computing. – Wiki

Right now the most common form of infection they are using is web page hi-jacking and “trap” websites that are created to “host” the virus (why using Firefox is so important).

So what people end up encountering is a web page that has been hacked, hi-jacked, infected or exploited that is unknowingly “hosting” this virus and ends up spreading the infection to whom ever visits the website. In doing this, their trap has been set and the infections begin! This form of infection is commonly refered to as a “Drive-by Download“.

After the computer becomes infected, users start to see and encounter “security warning” icons in their task bar (lower right of the desktop), pop-ups warning of an infection and fake animated virus scans indicating your computer is infected as the virus itself tries to build its credibility. In  most cases the virus can even infect the Windows Security Center making it even harder for users to identify whether the software is real or not. However the goal being achieved out all of this is for the virus creators to make money. So they are hoping that the users of the computers that become infected, and fooled by the “song and dance” the virus puts on, and buy their infectious and fake security software.

So I wanted this to be a little heads up and explanation for everybody about this subject since it is the most common repair I encounter to date.

Be Aware, Stay Informed and Scan Often!
~Jon Pienkowski, Pacific NorthWest Computers